Life Update!

Life Update!

I have been gone a while getting in that mom groove. I breastfed for one whole year. We stopped about month after her tie releases. Never thought I would be saying that I breastfed my child that long. I had always thought once they started getting teeth I was not breastfeeding anymore. Boy, was I…

It’s a Girl!!

It’s a Girl!!

A couple weekends ago we had our gender reveal party. I have been busy working and of course planning little girls nursery! When we went for our anatomy scan we did not find out then. We waited till the night of our party and found out with everyone else. It was so exciting! My husband…

Little one on the way

Little one on the way

My husband and I recently announced to our friends and family that we are expecting. We are so excited! This will be our first child. I feel blessed to not be feeling to bad but don’t get me wrong I do have my days which is to be expected. Ginger candies for nausea have been…

Hello world!

Hello world!

Hello and welcome to my blog! I am Madison Madison and because I know many will ask no my parents did not do that to me. Haha! It is in fact my married name. What a coincidence that I would find someone with that last name and even spelled the same. I have an an…